Daily hoof care is essential to keep your horse healthy as a whole. Here in the <ARAN-YA Store you can use gentle yet highly effective means forBuy hoof carewho support you in this responsible task. Find out more details about the offers here - and which measures are essential for which reasons in order to keep the always heavily stressedhorse hooves adequate tocare for.
Like human fingernails and toenails, horses' hooves are made of horn. They also grow almost as fast, averaging up to eight millimeters per month. For this reason alone, regular hoof care is more important than many people think. Because only healthy hooves can fulfill the "supporting" role that is due to them for anatomical reasons. This ensures the horse's fitness and well-being as well as its willingness to perform. The fundamental requirements of responsible hoof care therefore include...
the daily and careful inspection of the hooves for injuries or dirt
the removal of stuck stones, thorns or other foreign bodies
as well as the comprehensive cleaning of excrement, mud and plant residues
ARAN-YA hoof care from our shop creates additional security
The ARAN-YA hoof care, which you can buy in our shop, was specially developed by us to professionally care for horses' hooves and, above all, to keep them healthy. The purely plant-based care substances penetrate deep into the existing pores and cracks of the hoof, so that they are disinfected by killing bacteria and fungi and at the same time protected against new damaging external influences. Due to our proven CSS (Controlled Supply System), the active ingredients of ARAN-YA hoof care are evenly dosed over a long period of time to the horse's hoof in order to protect it gently and as best as possible. The hooves of your favorite also remain elastic and healthy because the valuable care substances of the ARAN-YA hoof care ensure an optimal moisture content. While there is a slight risk of dehydration in the summer months, in autumn and winter urine and putrefactive bacteria penetrate the hoof through damp stable floors. There is a risk of illness. Our hoof care from the Aran-ya shop creates a harmonious balance here all year round, and the hooves not only make a good impression, but are actually healthy all around!

Prevent thrush with a suitable hoof care product
The cleaning of the jet, which is very elastic but also extremely sensitive, is of particular importance. It is not for nothing that the experts keep talking about the "four additional hearts" of the horse. Proper and above all daily care of the frog is therefore essential to prevent the development of thrush. After the penetration of the corresponding bacteria, it often makes itself felt first with a foul odor, but can quickly even lead to life-threatening blood poisoning. But it doesn't have to come to that! With the ARAN-YA frog care we provide you with a hoof care product that counteracts thrush on the horse's hoof with natural antibacterial agents and completely dispenses with chemical additives. Thanks to CSS, it continuously releases the active ingredients, which has the additional advantage that the ARAN-YA frog care can be used very sparingly. The best effect is achieved if you use the ARAN-YA frog care regularly together with the ARAN-YA hoof care - both can be ordered conveniently and cheaply online in our shop.
Even if you moreproducts for your horseneed, for example, if severe itching is noticeable in the horse, the ARAN-YA shop offers the right products!